Slinky Web3AI Testnet Guide: Build AI dApps and Launch Tokens in Minutes

Welcome to the Slinky Web3AI Testnet! Whether you’re new to Web3 and AI or have some experience, this guide will help you navigate our platform. With Slinky, you can build an AI-powered app and launch a token for it in just a few minutes. We’ve streamlined the process so you can focus on your creativity and innovation. Let’s dive in and get started.

Step 1: Claim SLINKY Tokens & USDT from Testnet Faucet

You can use our Faucet on Discord to claim SLINKY and USDT to use in the testnet:

  1. Go to the #faucet channel on our discord
  2. Request 0.1 Slinky using this command -> /faucet your_address
  3. Request 100 USDT using this command -> /faucet your_address USDT

Step 2: Verify Your SLINKY Balance

Next, make sure your SLINKY tokens are safely in your wallet:

  1. Visit the Block Explorer: Go to Slinky Block Explorer and punch in your wallet address.
  2. Check Your Balance: You’ll see your new balance, along with any transactions, displayed clearly.

Step 3: Integrate Slinky Testnet with Your Wallet

To interact seamlessly with our testnet, add it to your wallet:

  1. Easy Integration: Use the “Add to MetaMask” button located at the bottom of the explorer page for a hassle-free setup.
  2. Manual Setup: Prefer to do it manually? No problem! Here are the settings you’ll need:

Step 4: Connect to the Slinky Web3AI dApp Platform

Now, let’s get your wallet connected to our dApp platform:

  1. Connect Your Wallet: Navigate to Slinky dApp and hit the “Connect Wallet” button.

Step 5: Create Your First Web3AI dApp

Unleash your creativity by building your first AI-powered dApp:

  1. Choose Your Template: Click on the “Memes” section to start with our AI-powered meme dApp template, our first dApp template on the testnet, and click on the “Create” button.
  2. Customize: Upload your image, fill in the required fields, and set up your AI system prompt.

3. Preview and Create: Take a sneak peek with the “Preview” button. Happy with what you see? Click “Create” to bring your dApp to life!

Step 6: Link a Token to Your dApp

Give your dApp its very own economy:

1. Link a Token: Inside your dApp’s page, hit the “Link Token” button.

2. Set It Up: Simply enter the desired token name, symbol, and base token.

3. Launch: Our system does the heavy lifting, minting your token and setting up liquidity automatically

Step 7: Purchase and Launch Your Token

  1. Buy Tokens: Use USDT or another base asset to buy your token directly from the bonding curve.
  2. Launch Your App: Click “Launch App” and see your dApp in action, powered by your new token!

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